Monday, March 19, 2012

Nabila Khong

I love this girl so much.she's always there and the only one who understands me at College.She never judge me on how I behave and all.We show our true colors to each other and never tell lies.There are many plans that we planning to do after our finals and just can't wait to do all of them.our main thing to do is to lose a huge amount of weight together so yeah will be busy exercising everyday and that is our promise =)

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Hello hai i'm here back again after some time missing well nothing much happen I'm still struggling studying eventhough weirdly this term it's not that pack compered to the previous term it is a bit relaxing and that made me a bit lazy.well the classes are boring so does the lecturers.usually i always classes no matter how boring the class is but nowdays it is really hard for me to wake up in the morning and go to morning classes.I'll go to afternoon classes only.but I didn't miss out that much since my classmates are presenting their work and the lecturer didn't teach.I don't know how I lost my self-esteem and why now.I feel small sometimes infront of others.I need to gain it back fast or not it will effect my emotions and behavior.

Friday, January 27, 2012

my oh my

This is how I look nowdays.any differences,mature?hahaha I think I look the same like always =)
First of all I just feel awkward for not been writing in my blog for like ages its just that i couldn't find the time and ideas to write.2012 had come and its a year of a turn out point in my life where I'll end my teenage life and become a lady.I'm gonna be 20 in 19th Feb later which is very soon enough.My Cik Tia had already become 20 and sadly I wasn't there to celebrate it.sorry babe i wish I was there.Many things happened during my absent and silentness.Now currently I'm in my final year of my Diploma in Tourism Management and will be graduating at the end March or in the early of April.I have so many plans in my mind,for surely I'm gonna go and take Korean language classes and then dance practices.might also do some part time jobs if I really do need it.My first brother is asking me to continue my degree in Sabah or Sarawak and that is so scary.I never been apart from my family and I know it's going to be hard but I think I don't have any choice.or not my brother said take French language course for my degree in UPM since even now I'm learning it and it's gonna be easy for me.For now I just need to focus on my studying.How crazy it is for me to take my finals when my learning period for this last term is only 8weeks and I have almost 20subjects to cover.oh my it's not easy.The first day of term6 I already feel the pressure and even got migraine.I never got it before.see how tough this final year is.I just hope I can graduate.Okay that's all for now.I'll try to update my blog always like how I always update my twitter =p

Sunday, December 4, 2011

pure love =)

i rarely meet my sister since i'm only at home during the weekends and if i go back home.i miss her so much but for her its really hard to show how she cares and love me.she's my half eventhough our attitude is the opposite =)

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Okay this week or should i say this month is a very tiring days for me to go through.In a blink of an eye it is already a month since i started my 5th term in Taylor's.2 more months left then move on to my final year of diploma.time really does move seriously no kidding.classes for this term are so boring.i think i can sleep in most of the classes.imagine i have to study history of cultural of heritage like duhh come on i hate history.such a bad luck not just that i hate history,even the lecturer is super lame and fussy.English is my favorite subject since forever but due to the lecturer i feel like skipping classes.for a month she have been repeating the fucking same thing over and over.yeah miss we know what to do and we even can say the exactly same word she's about to say.gahh. plus some of my classmates are not even helping.they make my day worse.enough with the lecturers guys,just please behave maturely.everything is bothering me.from college to the apartment,me myself *sigh.every time I'm on a strict diet my mood swings.i just want to have a healthy life.for this time please.i can't take it anymore.hate to feel embarrassed about my body and tired of having the low self esteem in myself.i want to held my head up high and want people to respect me.don't toy me around.i have feelings too.all of these things that i mentioned had change me to a more mature teen girl.people notice my attitude change.I'm more serious and sometimes talk less.the most have to do thing in my life is always smile where ever i go but now in Taylor's i don't smile that much anymore.i put on my serious face or some people call it 'muke sombong or belagak' oh plus some people call it 'muke orang kaya' hahahaha so funny but yeah it just happen.oh my god i just can't wait to finish my diploma in Taylor's and have a break from study but I'll focus more on my Korean language class and also my dance class.Taylor's please give us more holidays.please i beg you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Okay i haven't been blogging for about a month maybe?gosh sometimes i'm just too lazy to blog and sometimes when i want to blog i just don't have the time.many stories that i want to share here but okay one at a time.surely i miss my Cik Tia the most.haven't meet her for almost a month too.gahhh Tia i bet we have many stories to talk about right?no worries i'll find time for us to meet up okay?have to stop now and finish my assignments.will write more later.xoxo

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy birthday ayah =)

Dear daddy happy birthday,i wish you all the best and have a healthy life.I want you to know that you will always be my role model and also my hero.I know that you are shy sometimes to express your love towards us but we know that your love for us is more than anything else in this world.I am so proud to be your daughter.Don't we look alike?i'm the only who understands you when you make jokes.ibu will scold you for not making the jokes clear and ask others do they understand your jokes or not and others will agree with her and will be clueless but only me who laugh and understands it.see how we can connect with each my family only me and my second brother,Syafik that resembles you the most and yeah three of us have things in common.Ayah,akak nak mintak maaf sangat-sangat sebab selalu menyusahkan ayah.kesian ayah,selalu kerja sampai xsempat nak rehat pun.ayah sanggup cari duit lebih untuk anak-anak dia buat belanja.kadang-kadang tu ayah xde kat rumah sampai berminggu-minggu xpun sebulan.selalu xde peluang nak jumpe ayah pun.ada sekali tu akak balik rumah,akak bukak je pintu rumah ayah ada kat situ,ceria je muka ayah sambut anak dara dia balik.akak bagi lah salam and macam biasa akak akan cakap 'hai ayah' with my happy and manja voice and shockingly ayah balas 'akak!' heeee time tu ayah sangat comel.riang je suara ayah balas.seronok rasa.kadang-kadang ayah pun pandai tau nak comel2 ni.termasuk hari ni dah 2minggu xjumpa ayah.tadi call ayah,ayah kat tempat kerja lah macam biasa walaupun time lunch,ayah tanya 'ye akak kenapa?' risau je pape jadi kat anak dara dia,so macam biasa lah 'hai ayah,ayah busy ke?ayah kat mana?dah makan?' risau jugak dekat ayah sebab ayah selalu xsempat nak makan.ayah balas 'oh xbusy kenapa?' padahal time tu ayah cam tengah busy dengar suara2 and ayah pun macam nak apa lagi wish lah 'happy birthday ayah!!'ayah jadi segan 'oh aaa okay2 terima kasih' seriously boleh bayangkan muka ayah time tu.mesti ibu belikan cake favourite ayah and sambut ramai2 dekat luar.meriah nya,nak join jugak ='(...

p/s: ayah,hujung minggu ni akak xdapat nak balik,tp hari rabu nanti akak dah habis industrial training ni akak balik rumah untuk seminggu eh.jangan risau,akak akan kemas rumah and bereskan segala kerja2 kat rumah tu.=)